Take Control Of Your Personal Care!

As a person growing older, or with a disability, it gets more difficult to be in control of daily tasks. You can’t see, grasp, or move like before.

At Your Independent Living Center,
We get it.

When the time comes, that you can no longer do the simple tasks alone, and your freedom, your independence and living in your own home is at stake, it’s important to know your options.

One of them is the Taking Control Program.

Taking Control is an Independent Living program that puts you back in charge by letting you hire personal assistants to help with your daily needs.

You choose who they are… they can even be family or friends.

You hire, train and direct their day to day activities.

You control your own life...

You decide when you can do things…

You create your own workforce...

You don’t have to face nursing home care, you don’t have to give up your home!

The Taking Control program makes it easy and handles all the paper work.


Call Taking Control To Find Out More!

To learn more visit our website by clicking here